Woman suffering from toothache

What to Do if a Tooth Has Broken or Chipped

Accidents happen in the most unexpected moments. They can leave you shocked and at a loss for what to do. This is also applicable to breaking or chipping a tooth. If you are here after immediately experiencing […]

The Truth About Dental Implants: Five Myths Debunked

Navigating through life with a missing tooth or teeth can be challenging. We have seen many patients who choose to hide their smiles after losing a tooth. We often encourage these patients to consider dental implants. A […]

Am I a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

There are many reasons that someone might consider straightening their teeth. Straight teeth and a smile that is aligned are key components of overall oral health. In many cases, patients put this off because they do not […]

Is Getting Invisalign Worth It?

Invisalign aligners have gained a lot of popularity in the orthodontic treatment world. Patients that have had to wear traditional braces know that the commitment required to achieve the end result is not an easy walk in […]

How Long Do Dental Implants Take to Heal?

If you are missing a tooth or have been told that you require a tooth extraction, you are probably contemplating dental implants. Dental implants are a great long term solution for either of these cases. The process […]

Five Benefits of Invisalign

There are many ways to say “Happy Holidays” and most of them come with a warm, friendly smile. Unfortunately, not everyone has the confidence to showcase their smile during this time. We have known this to be […]

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

  Dental implants are a great choice for patients looking to replace a missing tooth or missing teeth. These fixtures are securely placed onto the jawbone and have the ability to act as an artificial tooth. They […]

When Should You Consider Dental Implants?

  There are many instances in which patients experience tooth loss. When a tooth is lost and it is not replaced, it can create a negative domino effect of changes in the mouth. Losing a tooth can […]

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